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Golden Miracle from Patagonia

Güevina oil comes from the eatable nut also known as Gevuina, which means beautiful flower in Mapudungun, the language of the Mapuche in southern Chile.

Organic antioxidant rich oil prevents skin damage,

repairs visible signs of aging and acts as UV protection. 

Antioxidant and anti-age oil attenuating expression lines
Stimulating Cellular development
High content of vitamin E, provitamin A and doses of retinol & Omega 7
Organic sunscreen protector
Rapid absorption without feeling of greasiness

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In Granny Nanny Blog

Vitamin A


Vitamin B



UV protection

  • High contents of vitamins A (beta-carotene) and vitamin E

  • High level of Retinol and Omega-7 (Palmitoleic Acid) which absorbs UV rays acting as an organic natural sunscreen

  • Tissue regenerator reducing expression lines and allows greater growth, maintenance

  • Repairing of skin cells, nails, and hair

  • Quickly absorbed without clogging the pores and as it is a thin oil – no feeling of greasiness

  • Organic antioxidant rich oil which prevents skin damage, repairs visible signs or aging and UV protection

  • Helps to obtain a healthy moisture level white soothing a dehydrated epidermis


100% natural oil from Gevuina Avellana (Chilean hazelnut)

Cold pressing

Without chemical processes    

Güevina oil comes from the eatable nut also known as Gevuina, which means beautiful flower in Mapudungun, the language of the Mapuche in southern Chile. Knows as “Chilean hazelnut” because of its resemblance to the European hazelnut. The tree is found in the pre-cordillera forests that run from Nahuelbuta to Aysén in Patagonia. Mechanically pressed and cold filtered, this nut gives a beautiful deep yellow oil that is rich in nutrients, vitamins and fatty acids, all components that are good in cosmetics.
Due to its high content of vitamins A, E and retinol, the oil extracted from this nut that grows in the southern chilean forests is an excellent moisturizer, anti-age and an organic sunscreen protector.








“My very dry skin has benefited greatly from the oil. I use the oil after the shower for the whole body and also for the night with the moisturizing serum for the face. The surface dryness is gone, and I don’t need body lotions and the skin problems due to the drought on the arms are gone. Odorlessness is a Plus. With oil, you can conveniently remove makeup & eye makeup. I highly recommend!”

Susa, 51 years

“I am addicted to oil with a mild natural smell. The best effect of using oil has been that last summer I never burned in the sun, even though I was in the sun for long periods of time. It has also helped an insane amount in treating acne. I have a so-called mixed skin. There are no more inflamed pimples and the dry areas have softened, the skin moisture has leveled off. I also use oil to moisturize the skin after hair removal, and there are no more inflammations.”

Jenny, 27 years

“I always use oil on the whole body after a shower or sauna. It gives the skin a good base moisture that lasts a long time. In the past, I used several other oils and creams, which I had to add many times a day – I have a dry skin type typical of Finns – now once a day is enough. So I also save hundreds of euros a year!”

Woman, 64 years

“I work a lot outdoors and exercise in nature for several hours a day. Especially in the spring, I burn easily in the sun, and I don’t like to use sunscreens. When I use this oil, I do not even need to think about how long I’m in the sun, I have not burned at all times thereafter. In addition, work on your tan beautifully, and the tan stays longer, normally I’m already in November as white as a sheet. The oil moisturizes the skin deeply and the large wrinkles on my face have smoothed out. The oil smells naturally good, it is quickly absorbed and leaves the skin feeling silky. I put it once a day all over my body and also for the night still thinly on my face, hands and feet. I also touch it on the tops of my dry hair after washing.”

Ulpu, 52 years

“I use oil on a daily basis, and it has alleviated the skin problems I have had for many years. My skin no longer flakes and itches, but the oil moisturizes for a long time. The mild natural scent is also suitable for men.”

Man, 66 years.

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